• Gunter Meelis (Blue Topaz)
    Color Enhancement
    Topaz Morganite Heliodor Prasiolite
    Beryll - Rough Morganite
    Topaz - Sky Blue
    Rough stones of prasiolite
    Topaz - Sky Blue

Gunter Meelis GmbH & Co. KG

Color Enhancement of Gemstones

Rough, Cut and Polished Gemstones

We offer the treatment of gemstones, which have been sent by the customer, into:

  1. London Blue (Topaz)
  2. Swiss Blue (Topaz)
  3. Sky Blue (Topaz)
  4. Yellow and Pink (Beryll - Heliodor/Morganite)
  5. Green (Quartz - Prasiolite)



  1. EU Import & Export of Irradiated Gemstones
  2. US NRC License for Import and Distribution of Irradiated Gemstones in the U.S.
  3. Transport - Handling - Storage of Radioactive Material

Irradiated gemstones will be measured according to

  1. NRC Requirement
  2. International Standards

based on single gemstone measurement.


Topaz - Radiation Measurement

Fig.: Measuring System for Automated Radiation Detection

The photo above shows our automatic machine for radiation measurement of individual radioactive Topaz stones to determine their activity levels.
This machine - equipped with 4 separate measurement stations and Sodium Iodide Scintillation Detectors - can be used in two different modes:

1. Measurement to verify that each individual stone reaching the end of the line has a specific activity which is below the international standard of 74 Bq/gr, independent of the present individual nuclides.

2. Measurement to verify that each individual stone reaching the end of the line has a specific activity which fulfills the US release criteria for cut stones for the ever present nuclides.